Saturday, July 28, 2012

Nakuru , Kenya

We made it to Nakuru for dinner. The city is the fastest growing city in Kenya. Beautiful we can see the mountains and the volcano. Below in the valley is a large salt water lake. We passed three large salt water lakes along the way. What was amazing was all the animals along the side of the road from zebras, goats, cows, burros, even in one area we saw buffalo! The vendors in the villages were also selling their goods along the road side. This is Sunday morning. We are wanting to go to church, the closest one to our denomination is the Presbyterian church. After church we will head off to the orphanage. The six folks we are with are terrific. We will be with them until next Sunday, then we will be on our own. This might be the last time for a blog for awhile. It is really a task to receive yi-fi. It took me over an hour to fine a spot. The next several days will be more challenging. Hope you can see the bird nest. Their entrance is upside down! Wonderful fluttering around they are called wevers. Until then. Blessings and Joy, Jean


  1. yep - see the nests. sounds like magnificent animals, great companions, and stunning beauty. having been reared in india, the elephants are fun. . . may all be well with you and paul
